



[ 美国] 埃里克•坎德尔(Eric Kandel)1,2,3,4 / 撰;李恒威5 武锐5/ 译
(1.Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute;2.Department of Neuroscience;3.Kavli Institute for Brain Science;4.Howard Hughes Medical Institute,College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University,NewYork State Psychiatric Institute,New York, NY10032, USA;5. 浙江大学 哲学系,浙江 杭州 310058) 
摘 要:从生物学角度来理解心智过程,使得我们可以利用来自新心智科学的丰富见解去探究哲学、心理学、社会科学、人文科学以及心智障碍研究之间的联系。文本从生物学的角度审视这些关联是如何形成的,以及新心智科学如何激发未来科学探索的灵感。
中图分类号: B84    文献标识码: A     文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0007-18

作者简介:埃里克•坎德尔(Eric Kandel),美国哥伦比亚大学生物化学和分子生物物理学教授,当代神经科学界的泰斗级人物,2000 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者;李恒威,浙江大学哲学系、语言与认知研究中心教授;武锐,浙江大学哲学系、语言与认知研究中心博士研究生。

The New Science of Mind and the Future of Knowledge
By Eric Kandel1, 2, 3, 4  Translated by LI Heng-wei5    WU Rui5
(1.Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute ;2.Department of Neuroscience ;3.Kavli Institute for Brain Science ;4.Howard Hughes Medical Institute, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University,NewYork State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY10032, USA ;5.Department of Philosophy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058)
Abstract: Understanding mental processes in biological terms makes available insights from the new science of the mind to explore connections between philosophy, psychology, the social sciences, the humanities, and studies of disorders of mind. In this perspective we examine how these linkages might be forged and how the new science of the mind might serve as an inspiration for further exploration.
Key words: Science of Mind; Neuroscience; Humanities; Philosophy; Psychology; Social Sciences; Ethics; Art; Psychoanalysis


(中国社会科学院 上海合作组织研究中心,北京 100732) 
摘 要:理念创新与人文交流,在区域合作中越来越具有基础作用,这种创新集中体现在习近平总书记关于着力建设绿色、健康、智力、和平丝绸之路的论述当中。“四个着力”作为对经济、贸易合作的重要补充和支撑, 赋予了“一带一路”建设更为深远的实践价值和应用意义。“一带一路”建设需要不断扩大合作领域,打造新的支撑平台。环保、卫生、人才与安全合作,看似不是“五通”的核心内涵,实际上作用巨大。一方面印证了“一带一路”不仅仅关注产业的对接和贸易的增长,也同样关注民生与稳定;另一方面说明“一带一路”紧扣地区发展的主题和需求,既寻找多边合作的主攻点和突破口,也重视环境和基础建设,面向长远的未来,更好地解决可持续发展的问题。正如习近平总书记所强调的,“一带一路”建设已经初步完成规划和布局,正在向落地生根、深耕细作、持久发展的阶段迈进。“四个着力”是这个阶段深化合作的重要标志,体现了“一带一路”特有的号召力与吸引力。
关键词:习近平重要论述; 一带一路; 理念创新; 人文合作
中图分类号: F125     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0025-11

An Analysis of Some Key Areas in “ the Belt and Road Initiatives” Cooperation
SUN Zhuang-zhi
(Center for SCO Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732)
Abstract: Ideological innovation and human communication are playing increasingly important roles in regional cooperation, as reflected in President Xi's statements on constructing a green, healthy, intelligient and peaceful Silk Road. By complementing and sustaining the economic and business cooperations, these ideas help broaden the paractical significance of the Belt & Road Initiatives, the implementation of which invloves constantly expanding space for cooperation and establising new platforms for sustainable development. Cooperations in environment protection, health care, talents communication and security, for example, will play significant roles despite they seem to have little to do with the core five-connectivity construction designated in the Initiatives. On the one hand, these cooperations show the concrn of the Belt & Road Initiatives for the livelihood and stability in the region; on the other hand, they demonstrate that the Belt & Road Initiatives are designed to meet the regional demand of development by seeking key areas of multilateral cooperation and putting emphasis on environment protection, infrastucture and sustainable development. As President Xi has pointed out, the overall planning of the Belt & Road construction has been completed, and we are now in a new stage of implementing and carrying out these plans. And the effort to construct a green, healthy, intelligient and peaceful Silk Road is an important part of this stage, releasing the great appeal of the Belt & Road Initiatives.
Key words: Xi’s Keynote Statements; “the Belt and Road Initiatives” ; Ideological Innovation ;Human Cooperation


沈 骑1  夏 天2
(1. 上海外国语大学 中国外语战略研究中心,上海 200083;2. 华东政法大学 外语学院,上海 201620) 
摘 要:语言是推进“一带一路”建设不可或缺的重要战略元素,文本在梳理语言战略规划概念的基础上, 基于语言规划理论,提出语言战略规划应针对沿线国家语言生活状况和语言战略需求,在语言地位、语言本体、语言教育、语言声誉、语言服务和话语规划等六个基本问题领域开展战略规划,希冀为构建服务于“一带一路” 建设实现语言互通、中外人文交流的语言服务体系和机制,扩大中国语言文化的国际影响力提供理论参考和现实指导。

中图分类号: H002      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018) 01-0036-08


Fundamental Issues of Language Strategic Planning for“the Belt and Road Initiatives”
SHEN Qi1  XIA Tian2
(1.National Research Center for Foreign Language Strategies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083; 2.College of Foreign Languages, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620)
Abstract: Language plays an inevitable role in promoting the Belt & Road Initiatives. After defining the concept of language strategic planning, this paper proposes six fundamental issues (i.e. status planning, corpus planning, acquisition planning, prestige planning, services planning and discourse planning) in response to the language situations and language needs in regard to B&R from the perspectives of language planning. It is hoped that strategic planning of these issues will contribute to theoretical insights and practical guidance to the mechanism and service system for language connectivity and cultural exchanges and to the promotion of international impact of Chinese linguistic culture.
Key words: “the Belt and Road Initiatives”; Language Strategy; Language Planning; National Language Competence; Language Connectivity

胡 键
( 上海社会科学院 软实力研究中心,上海 410033) 
摘 要:“一带一路”倡议提出以后,中国与沿线国家的实践合作发展迅速,也取得了令人满意的成效。但客观地看,沿线各国对“一带一路”倡议的认知水平是不一样的,对“一带一路”的理解也大相径庭。原因就在于国内学术界、舆论界、理论界对“一带一路”话语内容的构建存在着较大的差别,从而导致一些国家对“一带一路” 倡议产生种种质疑。在这种情形下,加强“一带一路”软实力建设就显得非常必要。软实力是“一带一路”建设的重要助推器,“一带一路”倡议的软实力建设包括诸多内容,但当前迫切需要构建“一带一路”的健康话语,以消除沿线国家和人民对“一带一路”倡议的曲解和误解,特别是要梳理“一带一路”的知识谱系、构建相应的学科体系、创新相应的理论体系、合理定位政府和企业在“一带一路”实践中的关系,从理论上和实践上来构建“一带一路” 倡议的健康话语,促进“一带一路”的实践稳定、持续、健康发展。

中图分类号: D6      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0044-10

作者简介:胡键, 上海社会科学院软实力研究中心主任、研究员、博士生导师。

Building Constructive Discourse on “the Belt and Road Initiatives”
HU Jian
( Soft Power Research Center, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 410033)
Abstract: Since the Belt & Road Initiatives were proposed, China has witnessed a rapid growth of cooperation with countries along the two Roads, and has made considerable achievements. However, the countries along the Roads have responded differently to the Belt &Road Initiatives based on their different understandings of these initiatives. One reason may be that different communities of China are developing their own discourse on the Belt & Road Initiatives, leading these countries to raise various questions about the Initiatives. Thus it is urgent to enhance the soft power of the Belt & Road Initiatives, an important element of which involves the building of constructive discourse to help reduce or eliminate the misunderstandings of both the countries and the people along the Roads. Particularly, we need to systematize knowledge concerning the Belt & Road Initiatives, establish relevant academic disciplines, promote theoretical innovation, and clearly define the relations between governments and enterprises so that constructive discourse will be built to ensure steady and sustainable development.
Key words:“ the Belt and Road Initiatives ”; Soft Power; Constructive Discourse

王学俭 杨昌华
(兰州大学 马克思主义学院,甘肃 兰州 730000) 
 摘 要:立德树人是中国特色社会主义高校立身之本,这是对中国特色社会主义高校“培养什么样的人、如何培养人以及为谁培养人”这一根本问题的科学解答。将立德树人作为中国特色社会主义高校的立身之本既是由中国独特的国情、独特的历史、独特的文化所决定的,也是对政治工作规律、教书育人规律、学生成长规律的科学应用,更是稳步推进中国特色社会主义现代化建设的迫切需要,还是顺应世界人才培养模式、进一步提升综合国力的内在要求。立德树人并不是随意性地推进和感性化地培养,必须在理论灌输与实践教学相统一、主导教育与自我教育相统一、历史继承与改革创新相统一以及中国特色与国际比较相统一的原则指导下,从创新育人理念、建构课程协同、推进文化育人、强化师资建设、健全运行机制、深化思想政治教育供给侧改革和加强党的领导等多个方面协同推进。
中图分类号: G41     文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0054-09


Cultivating Talents of High Moral Standards: the Foundation of Socialist Higher Education with Chinese Characteristics
WANG Xue-jian YANG Chang-hua
(School of Marxism, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou Gansu 730000)
Abstract: Cultivating talents of high moral standards is the foundation of Socialist higher education with Chinese characteristics, which provides a scientific answer to the basic questions of "what kind of talents to cultivate, how and for whom to cultivate talents" in socialist colleges and universities with Chinese characteristics. This basic principle is not only determined by China's unique national conditions, history and culture, but is also the scientific application of the laws of ideological education, of teaching, and of student development. It reflects the urgent need to promote modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to conform to the world’s latest talent training model, and to enhance China’s comprehensive national strength. Instead of being a random move, cultivating talents of high moral standards involves long-term consistency in uniting theory with practice, in combining institutional education with self cultivation, in encouraging innovation while carrying on tradition, and in promoting Chinese characteristics while observing international norms. Specifically, it involves a wide range of concrete work, from innovating philosophies of talent cultivation, coordinating curriculum and courses, implementing cultural education, improving faculty quality, to increasing the efficiency of administration, deepening the ideological and political education in the supply-side reform and to strengthening the party leadership in running socialist higher education.
Key words: Cultivating Talents of High Moral Standards; Ideological and Political Work; Innovative Development; Logic of Construction; Path Optimization

文 军 吴晓凯
(华东师范大学 中国现代城市研究中心暨社会发展学院,上海 200241) 
 摘 要:作为一项正在兴起的新技术,大数据从根本上改变了传统科学论证研究的架构模式,为科学研究、商业活动、政府决策和社会生活都带来了便捷的技术支撑,越来越成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分。然而,在大数据日益繁盛的背后,却隐藏着“数据崇拜”的深刻危机。其所推崇的工具理性在一定程度上抑制了人文情感的表达。文本从社会语境的角度,试图从数据产生的机制、创新的方式和价值的建构等角度重构大数据作为符号的文化属性和社会意义,以适应现代人所具有的自觉意识和反思能力。与此同时,指出“大数据”研究方法同抽样调查、观察与访谈、实验等方法相互融合、相互补充、相互渗透后的复合方法对于人类认知系统的升华具有重要的现实意义。
中图分类号: C3      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0063-09


Retrieve the Lost Tradition:Reflections and Reconstruction of “Big Data” Research Paradigm
WEN Jun  WU Xiao-kai
(The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies and School of Social Development,
East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241)
Abstract :As an emerging technology, big data has become an indispensable part of modern society by fundamentally changing the traditional mode of scientific research and creating convenient technical support for business activities, government decision-making and various aspects of social life. However, there is a deep crisis of "data worship" hidden in the increasing prosperity of big data. To a extent, the instrumental rationality rooted in the application of big data is inhibiting the expression of human emotions. From the perspective of social context, this paper attempts to reconstruct the cultural and social significance of the big data as symbol from such aspects as the mechanism of data generation, the modes of innovation and the construction of value so as to help us adapt to the self consciousness and self reflection of modern people. At the same time, the paper points out that the "big data" research is of great practical significance to the elevation of human cognition when it is wisely combined with sampling investigation, observation and interviews, laboratory experiment and so on.
Key words: Big Data; Reflection on Paradigm; Humanistic Attributes; Social Significance; Integration of Methods


刘海涛1,2  林燕妮1
(1. 浙江大学 外语学院,浙江 杭州 310058;
2. 广东外语外贸大学 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心, 广东 广州510420) 
摘 要:文本围绕大数据时代的语言研究这一主题展开探讨。首先从信息时代背景下语言学家的角色谈起, 阐释当今时代语言研究的变化,强调语言材料的真实性对发现语言规律至关重要,介绍大数据为语言研究带来的新契机,并论述“语言是由人驱动的复杂适应系统”的观点。其后,从科学哲学的角度阐明采用科学方法研究语言的必要性,并讨论数据密集型语言研究范式及问题。之后以团队的研究成果为例,介绍基于数据的语言研究具体如何开展。最后阐述基于数据的方法在语言学的学科建设与发展中所起的作用。
中图分类号: H1-0     文献标识码: A     文章编号:1005-9245(2018)01-0072-12


Methodology and Trends of Linguistic Research in the Era of Big Data
LIU Hai-tao1, 2 LIN Yan-ni1
(1.School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058; 2. (National Key )Research Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420)
Abstract: This paper presents methodology and trends of linguistic research in the era of big data. We begin with a discussion on the role of linguists in the information society, and illustrate the chances and challenges linguists are currently facing. After highlighting the significance of using authentic data in linguistic research, we argue that language is a complex adaptive system driven by humans. Then, from the perspective of philosophy of science, we introduce the research paradigm of quantitative linguistics with several cases. Finally, we address that China’s linguistic research will benefit from the data-intensive approach in terms of scientification and internationalization.
Key words: Linguistics; Big Data; The Data-intensive Approach; Scientific Research Paradigm

吴传清 董 旭
(武汉大学 经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉 430072) 
摘 要:创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享是指引我国全局发展的基本理念。中国区域经济学科发展须以新发展理念为指导,从基础理论和实践热点两个层面创新完善研究内容体系。坚持创新发展理念,要加强容纳空间维度的区域创新理论、创新型区域和区域创新绩效空间外溢等基础理论问题研究,同时关注科技创新中心和产业创新中心建设等实践热点问题;坚持协调发展理念,要加强经济轴或经济带、区际利益平衡、城市群或城市圈和“新四化” 同步发展等基础理论问题研究,同时关注京津冀、长江经济带协同发展与城市群协同发展等实践热点问题;坚持绿色发展理念,要加强主体功能区制度、生态补偿机制和区域绿色发展路径与绩效等基础理论问题研究,同时关注“大城市病”、重点生态功能区产业准入负面清单和空间治理体系构建等实践热点问题;坚持开放发展理念,要从学科开放融合的角度推进区域经济学基础理论问题研究,同时关注内陆开放高地、“一带一路”和自贸区建设等实践热点问题;坚持共享发展理念,要加强区域自我发展能力和公共服务均等化等基础理论研究,同时重点关注区域精准脱贫这一实践热点问题。
中图分类号: F061.5   文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0084-08


New Philosophy of Development and the Innovative Development of China’s Regional Economics as an Academic Discipline
WU Chuan-qing DONG Xu
(Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072)
Abstract: Innovated, coordinated, green, open and sharing development is the basic principle guiding China’s overall development. China’s regional economics as an academic discipline must be guided by new philosophy of development, and its research system can be improved from both theoretical and practical dimensions. Innovated development demands us to enhance studies on basic theories involving regional innovation, innovated regions and other region-related matters. Coordinated development requires us to pay attention to basic theoretic issues concerning economic axis, economic belts, balance of interregional interests, and the development of city agglomerations simultaneously with the new four modernizations, while seeing to the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Belt, the Yangtze River Economic Zone and emergence of city agglomerations. Green development involves focusing on issues related to main function areas, ecological compensation, and green regional development while paying attention to resolving the “big city disease” and establishing spatial governance mechanism Open development means to promote studies on basic theories of regional economics on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to study the hot issues concerning the construction of inland open economy platforms and free trade zones, and the enforcement of the Belt & Road initiatives. And finally, the principle of sharing development requires us to carry out theoretic studies in self development abilities and public service equalization while focusing on targeted poverty alleviation in specific regions.
Key words: New Philosophy of Development; Regional Economics; Disciplinary Innovation; Research System


供给侧改革中农业多功能性、农业4.0 与生态农业发展创新
周 立 王彩虹 方 平
(中国人民大学 农业与农村发展学院,北京 100872) 
摘 要:缺乏优质供给和有效供给,是中国农业供给侧结构性改革要解决的关键问题,进行结构调整,提高农业供给质量,成为缓解供求错配,推进农业供给侧结构性改革的主攻方向。文本认为,农业供给侧结构性改革的重点在于通过结构调整解决供求错配问题,其现实路径主要由认识和实践两个层面组成。在认识层面,要提高对农业多功能性的认知,从农业体系的逻辑倒置中恢复农业多种功能。在实践层面,要通过发展农业4.0,建立集生产、生态、生活和生命于一体的“四生农业”,从而扩大优质供给和有效供给,推动中国农业供给侧结构性改革的完成。
中图分类号: F32      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0092-08

作者简介:周立,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授、博士生导师;王彩虹,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院硕博连读生;方平, 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院博士研究生。


From Mismatch between Supply and Demand to Structural Adjustment: Exploring the Multifunction of Agriculture and the Development of Agriculture Version 4.0
ZHOU Li  WANG Cai-hong  FANG Ping
(School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872)
Abstract: A critical issue to resolve in the agriculture supply-side reform is the lack of effective supply of high quality agricultural products. To improve the quality of agricultural products through structural adjustment and resolve the mismatch between supply and demand has become a major task in the supply-side reform. This paper argues that there are two ways to carry on the agriculture supply-side reform. First, we need to be fully aware of the multifunction of agriculture. Second, we must concentrate on developing agriculture 4.0, namely, “four-in-one agriculture” that integrates production, ecological protection, living and life, to push forward the supply-side reform in agriculture.
Key words: Supply-side Reform; Good Quality Supply; Effective Supply; Multifunction of Agriculture; Agriculture Version 4.0; Four-in-one Agriculture

孔祥智1  岳振飞1,2  张 琛1
(1. 中国人民大学 农业与农村发展学院,北京100872;2. 北京商业管理干部学院 合作经济研究中心,北京 100028) 
摘 要:联合社是合作社发展到一定程度,为了扩大规模,联合其他合作社成立的一种新型合作经济组织。文本运用交易成本理论,对合作社联合的本质进行了探讨,解释了联合社的成因并进行了案例实证分析。联合社本质上是一种治理结构,是合作社扩大规模时,在市场、吸收新社员与建立联合社三种治理结构之间进行选择的结果。合作社选择联合的原因是在三种治理结构中,联合社节约的外部交易成本与产生的内部交易成本(治理成本)之差最大。案例分析表明:吉林星海联合社的成立能够以较低的成本迅速扩大合作社经营规模,实现规模收益; 合作社社员关系的稳定性决定了联合社是扩大经营规模的现实选择;依托成员社能够降低联合社的治理成本。
中图分类号: F321.42    文献标识码: A     文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0100-07

作者简介:孔祥智,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授、博士生导师;岳振飞,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院博士研究生, 北京商业管理干部学院合作经济研究中心助理研究员;张琛,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院硕士研究生。

The Nature of Uniting Co-ops —— I nterpreting Transaction Cost with Empirical Analysis
KONG Xiang-zhi1  YUE Zhen-fei1,2  ZHANG Chen 1
(1.School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872;2.Cooperative Economy Research Center , Beijing Business Management College , Beijing 100028)
Abstract: As a new type of economic cooperatives, the union of Co-ops results from the expansion of Co-ops uniting together. Adopting the transaction cost perspective, this paper explores the uniting of co-ops and explains the causes behind it with an empirical analysis. Basically, the union of co-ops is a structure of governance, an alternative chosen by co-ops when faced with another two choices of gaining market and adopting new members. Co-ops choose to unite because uniting, compared with the other two choices, is the most cost-efficient alternative. The case of Xinghai Union of Co-ops in Jilin province is an example demonstrating that the union of co-ops can quickly expands its business and reap profit at the lowest possible cost. The stable relationship among members of co-ops contributes to the uniting of co-ops as a practical alternative of business expansion, because it substantially reduces the cost of operation.
Key words: Co-ops; Union of Co-ops; Transaction Cost; Structure of Governance


邓大松 李玉娇
(武汉大学 社会保障研究中心,湖北 武汉 430072)
    摘 要:医养结合是创新养老模式、应对老龄化危机的重点和方向,尤其在“健康中国”战略推动下,更成为一种有益的服务供给探索和理性的制度选择。文本从人口结构深刻变化、养老服务发展滞后等现实背景出发, 通过内涵阐释、政策演变和实践过程,分析医养结合模式的供需困境,以行动逻辑为导向,提出加强理念支撑、完善政策设计和制度供给、优化协同策略等医养结合服务健康发展的可行路径,以此满足老年人多层次需求,推动健康老龄化。
   中图分类号: D669.6    文献标识码: A     文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0107-08


Integrating Old Age Care with Medical Service: Rational Institution, Imbalance between
Supply and Demand and Innovative Solutions
DENG Da-song  LI Yu-jiao
(Center for Social Security Studies, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072)
Abstract: An important and innovative measure to resolve the aging crisis in China is integrating old age care with medical service, which, in the particular context of building a “Healthy China”, has become a rational institutional choice and a means for exploring public service supply. Starting from the dramatic change in population composition and the current backward old age care service, this paper analyzes the difficulties related to the supply and demand in integrating old age care with medical service, and goes on to suggest that we should take all possible measures, such as improving policy design and optimizing the coordination of strategies, to promote the integration of old age care with medical service to meet various needs of the elder population.
Key words: Healthy Aging; Integrating Old Age Care with Medical Service; Elderly Care; Innovations



(南京大学 社会学院,江苏 南京 210023)
    摘 要:文本利用“全面二孩”生育政策实施前后两次大规模抽样调查所得的数据,对城市“双非”一孩育龄人群在“全面二孩”生育政策实施前后的二孩生育意愿进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:政策实施前后,城市“双非”一孩育龄人群“对现有子女数目的满意状况”以及“理想的子女数目”均没有明显差别,这说明政策变化对这两个指标的影响不大;而“意愿生育子女数”和“二孩生育意愿”两项指标在政策实施前后的结果之间产生了明显的差别,说明具有现实性的测量指标对政策变化相对敏感,导致“假设”与“现实”之间存在着距离。综合分析表明,目前城市“双非”一孩育龄人群中,会生育第二个孩子的比例大约在40%左右。
中图分类号: C923      文献标识码: A       文章编号:1005-9245 (2018)01-0115-09


The Willingness to Have a Second Child: Distance from Assumption to Reality
FENG Xiao-tian
(School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023)
Abstract: Based on data obtained from two surveys conducted respectively before and after the adoption of the “universal two-child policy” in 2016, this paper comparatively analyzes the willingness of one-child families (in which neither parent is a single child) to have a second child before and after the policy was approved. The results show that the “universal two-child policy” has not very much affected these families in terms of their “satisfaction of the number of children they have” (40% of these families are satisfied with the number of children they have) and their “ideal number of children” (80% of them choose 2 as their ideal number). However, there is a big gap between the statistics before and after the adoption the “universal two-child policy”in terms of another two variables, namely, “the number of children they would like to have” and “their willingness to have a second child”, which reveals a significant effect of the policy on these families. Particularly, there is quite a distance between the assumption and the reality of having a second child. Our comprehensive analysis suggests that only 40% of these families are really planning to have a second child.
Key words: Willingness to Reproduce; Ideal Number of Children; Number of Children They Are Willing to Have; Birth Policy


刘金山 曾晓文 李雨培
(暨南大学 经济学院,广东 广州 510632) 
摘 要:智能制造是供给侧结构性改革的“短板”之一,是未来我国产业国际竞争力的关键;其关键不仅仅是智能产品规模,更在于智能生产过程。根据企业调研综合考察,我国智能制造处于初级发展阶段,呈现出多线并进的发展趋势;智能制造区际分布不均衡,与传统制造业具有空间分布相似性;智能制造面临传统制造的产业链难题,核心元器件、智能化生产设备依赖进口;智能制造组织系统(IMS)亟待提升,亟需IMS提供商;需要培育智能制造产业公地核心体系。对比智能制造先行者的步伐及其动态目标,总体来看,目前我国智能制造完成了不到30%的进程;其中,智能制造技术和智能制造组织系统是产业竞争力的两大短板,各自完成了约20%的进程。根据调研预测,2025 年我国智能制造能达到超过50%的进程;2035 年达到70%的进程;2045 年达到90%的进程。为此,需要多管齐下,采取综合措施,提升我国智能制造竞争力。
中图分类号: F4      文献标识码: A      文章编号:1005-9245 (2018)01-0124-09


An Investigation on the Competitiveness of Intelligent Manufacturing in China
LIU Jin-shan ZENG Xiao-wen LI Yu-pei
(College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632)
Abstract: Intelligent Manufacturing (IM) is one of weak links in the Supply-side Reform. Instead of emphasizing the product quantity, we should give priority to the process of IM itself, for it is vital to the competitiveness of China’s industries in the future. China should upgrade from Traditional Manufacturing (TM) to IM. According to our investigation across the mainland, IM is still on the initial stage. Regional distribution of IM is out of balance, similar to that of TM. The problem of IM is that almost all key components and automatic equipments have to be imported. So it is urgent to upgrade the whole intelligent manufacturing system (IMS), but we are badly short of qualified IMS providers. Industrial commons of IM is a poor system and it is important to build the service platform for the whole industrial chains. Compared with IM of developed countries, China’s IM in general has covered less than 30% of its development process. Based on our research, it is predicted that China’s IM will reach its middle stage of development by 2025, and will complete 70% and 90% of its development process by 2035 and 2045 respectively. This paper concludes by presenting a number of measures to promote the competitiveness of China’s IM.
Key Words: Intelligent Manufacturing ;Industrial Chains ;Manufacturing System ;Industrial Commons

反“边疆建构论”: 一个关于“边疆实在论”的理论解说
(四川大学 社会发展与西部开发研究院,四川 成都 610064 ) 
摘 要:“边疆建构论”将边疆概念放在建构主义的框架思考问题,但基于对“边疆”本身的理解,人们将“边疆”置于不同的时代和国家形态下加以阐释是存在不足的,因为“边疆建构论”有固有的逻辑前提。作为一种人类活动的空间综合体和国家版图空间功能分工的载体,以及主权和领土的构成要件,边疆及其边疆功能的存在使得“边疆实在论”有了核心。因为,边界是边疆的构成要素,是“线”,呈现“线状”分布,而边疆是“面”,呈现“带状”分布。在“王朝国家”形态下,通常是有“边疆”而无“边界”,而在“民族国家”形态下,国家与国家之间的边界是清晰的,边疆与边界是一对孪生兄弟,有“边界”就有“边疆”。“边疆建构论”将边疆的存在与国家的大小联系起来,暴露了其理论的弱点;在这一点上,恰好为“边疆实在论”提供了注脚。
中图分类号: D08      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0133-12


Arguing against “Border Constructivism” and for “Border Realism’’
YANG Ming-hong
(The Faculty of Social Development and Western China Development Studies, Sichuan University, Chengdu Sichuan 610064)
Abstract: “Border Constructivism” has come out based on the framework of constructivism; however, “border” is problematic concept because there were or are “border’’ forms at different times and in different countries and because “Border Constructivism” has its own inherent logic premise. On the contrary, “Border Realism” will be considered to be a theory opposite to “Border Constructivism” based on the fact that border is functionally a kind of space for complex human activity, the carrier of national territorial space, and, for that matter, an important component of national sovereignty. A boundary is a “line” of “linear” distribution which is regarded as an element of a “border”, but “border” is an “area”, a “strip” distribution. In a dynastic form of state, there was usually a “border” without a definite “boundary”, but for the modern “nation states”, boundary lines between countries must be clear and definite, as border and boundary are like “twin brothers”. One weakness of “Border Constructivism” is that it establishes the linkage between the existence of the border and the size of the country, which “Border Constructivism” has avoided.
Key words: Border; Constructivism; Realism; Criticism

(中国社会科学院 世界历史研究所,北京 100006) 
摘 要:历史哲学是对于人类自身命运的沉思。人们对于未来命运不确定性的探索与尝试,由来已久。不同的古代文明中,巫术、神话与宗教各自做出了自己的努力。在16-17 世纪欧洲科学革命的影响下,哲学家们开始了大规模探索人类发展规律的思考,维柯、孔多塞、康德、黑格尔等是其中的代表性人物。然而在追求永恒真理的过程中,这些思想体系始终存在无法克服的逻辑矛盾。对于科学理性有限性的认识,使得如别尔嘉耶夫、莱茵霍尔德• 尼布尔等思想者提出,只有在信仰中,才能克服有限与永恒、现实缺陷与完美性追求的矛盾。20 世纪的科学进展表明,“世界终结”确实存在,完美性的设想没有依据。马克思主义学说是以接受认识有限性与存在局限性为前提的。“时间是人的积极存在”这句经典论断表明,对于现实的人及其发展的关注,是唯物史观的核心与生命力所在。未来是人们积极行动创造的结果,而非哲学与宗教思辨的产物。
中图分类号: B03      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0145-08


Reflecting on the Future: the Time Dimension of the Philosophy of History
ZHANG Wen-tao
(The Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100006)
Abstract: The Philosophy of History focuses on the fate of humankind. In different ancient civilizations, myths and religions offered their own explanations. Influenced by European scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, philosophers have put forward many systems, all of which, however, have logic contradictions. Recognizing the limitation of the scientific rationality, some thinkers have even claimed that it is only in faith that we can expect to overcome the contradiction between temporality and eternality and that between the imperfect reality and our pursuit of perfection. Scientific development in the 20th century has proved that “the end of the world” is a real possibility, toppling the base for the assumption of a perfect world. Marxism accepts the limitation and imperfectness of humankind, claiming that “time is the positive existence of mankind”. The future is the creation of positive human activities, not the outcome of philosophical and religious meditation. Marxism is still a scientific system.
Key words: Future; Philosophy of History; Limitation; Marxism

徐笑一 李宝贵
(辽宁师范大学 国际教育学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 
摘  要:随着中国国际地位的提高和文化软实力的增强,海外华侨华人对汉语和中华文化的渴求日益强烈。而海外华文本土教师师资力量不足、水平参差不齐的问题也逐渐凸显。本研究探索了华文本土教师培养的新模式: 通过开设汉语国际教育学历班培养华文本土师资。文本以加拿大多伦多市华文本土教师汉语国际教育专业本科学历班为例,通过分析学员的年龄结构、学历结构、专业结构和学源结构设计了该模式的培养方案和培养模式,进而提出了提升华文本土教师学历班培养质量的路径:授课教师实现专业化和多元化,质量监督做到严格化和常态化,教学技术体现现代化和灵活化,服务管理达到精准化和细致化。
中图分类号: G40     文献标识码: A       文章编号: 1005-9245 (2018)01-0153-08

作者简介: 徐笑一,辽宁师范大学国际教育学院副教授;李宝贵,辽宁师范大学国际教育学院教授,《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》主编。

Exploration of Native Chinese-language Teacher New Training Mode
XU Xiao-yi LI Bao-gui
(College of International Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian Liaoning, 116029)
Abstract: As the improvement of international status and soft power of China, the desire for Chinese language and culture of overseas Chinese has been increased. Meanwhile, the problem of shortage of teachers and different teaching standards has been more serious. This study explores a new training mode of native Chinese-language teachers: to set up TCSL(teaching Chinese as second language) education class to native Chinese-language teachers. This paper takes the TCSL undergraduate education class of native Chinese teachers in Toronto, Canada as an example, proposes the training program and training mode by means of analysing students’ age structure, education structure, specialty structure and origin structure, and then put forward the methods to improve teaching quality of TCSL education class of native Chinese-language teachers: to realize specialization and diversification among teachers, to realize severization and normalization in teaching quality supervision, to realize modernization and flexbility in technology, and to realize precision and meticulous in service management.
Key words: Chinese-language Education; Native Chinese-language Teacher; Education Class; Training Mode; Toronto Canada